Thursday, February 9, 2012

to the "Million Moms"

I am not choosing to single out your group, as it is a group just like thousands of others. It's just that after hearing the same message thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of times, one grows weary.
Gay children and teens commit suicide at a rate three times that of their heterosexual counterparts. And it is because they are inundated with this message: it's wrong to be you.
Kids who bully are taught to taunt and hate by being awarded this very message as a weapon - the same one that you are so loudly proclaiming in the name of "Christian values."
You can deny your role in these painful deaths. You can say that you do not condemn neither bullying nor self-loathing. You can even say that you're merely speaking the "Lord's truth." But when a child is steeped in the message that their very nature is disgusting, immoral, and something to be hated and feared... the inner turmoil is unimaginable (to anyone who hasn't experienced it, that is).
Heterosexual kids are NOT at risk if all humans are allowed equal rights. But homosexual kids are at risk if they are told time and time again that they do not deserve these human dignities. And in a very, very real way.

I am the type of person who spends every day working with those who are at the lowest points in the lives, trying to make a difference. I am the type of person who cares for her friends and is honest and dependable. I am the type of person who, six months ago, gave a complete stranger one of her kidneys.
I am also a gay person. And because of this I was taught, in same the angry way you are teaching youngsters today, that I am a disgusting, bad person. And I believed it. I didn't understand what I had done to deserve being born as a doomed soul. I fell into such a deep depression that I almost ended my own life on multiple occasions.

Tens of thousands of beautiful people just like me have been through the same thing. And tens of thousands haven't lived to talk about it. Their lights were forever extinguished because of the hatred and pain they felt- because of things they could not change. Things that were not wrong.

So tell me. Is the risk to "the sanctity of marriage," an un-defineable fantasy buzzword, really a bigger risk than the message being received right now, loud and clear by our youth?

Every day approximately 11 people under the age of 25 commit suicide.
That's over four thousand every year. And it's rising.

To the million moms:
100,000 of you have a gay son or daughter.
What are you telling them?